Who we are
Proud Jesus People is a collaborative effort of the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York and the Upstate new york Synod of the ELCA. anyone is welcome, regardless of faith tradition. we are committed to embodying the inclusive love of god by affirming and supporting LGBTQIA+ individuals, people of color, indigenous persons, and those who are disabled and neurodivergent. Through our words, actions, and most importantly, our love, we seek to create a welcoming space where everyone can experience God's grace and contribute their unique gifts to the building of God's kingdom.
our hope
Proud Jesus People envisions a world where people of all of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, or ability, are embraced, affirmed, and celebrated as beloved children of God. We strive for a community where diversity is not only accepted but also cherished, and where love and justice reign supreme.